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ctd:history:1916ad [2017/01/31 07:16]
admin [September 12, 2000 Unit­ed Intruder Resistance Alliance]
ctd:history:1916ad [2024/04/28 08:30] (current)
admin [Recent History and Current Events At-A-Glance Blow-Up Chart (1748 - 6/26/1998)]
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 [[ctd:​Intruders|Zeta races]] begin participating in the Earth drama on behalf of the Zephelium-Zeta Rigelian and Odedicron-Reptilian (Orion) agenda. [[ctd:​Intruders|Zeta races]] begin participating in the Earth drama on behalf of the Zephelium-Zeta Rigelian and Odedicron-Reptilian (Orion) agenda.
 ===== 1930s-1940s Covert Treaties ===== ===== 1930s-1940s Covert Treaties =====
 The Zeta negotiate covert treaties with Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati human governments,​ through which "​Majestic-12"​ and the contemporary "UFO Movement"​ emerge on behalf of the Drakonian OWO agenda, which was initiated as a result of the pending Anunnaki takeover agenda. Anunnaki Fallen Angelics ad­vance their remote "​Channel"​ contact with selected humans. The Zeta negotiate covert treaties with Nephedem Annu-Melchizedek Illuminati human governments,​ through which "​Majestic-12"​ and the contemporary "UFO Movement"​ emerge on behalf of the Drakonian OWO agenda, which was initiated as a result of the pending Anunnaki takeover agenda. Anunnaki Fallen Angelics ad­vance their remote "​Channel"​ contact with selected humans.
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 ===== July 5, 2000 Treaty of Altair ===== ===== July 5, 2000 Treaty of Altair =====
-Galactic Federation and most Anunnaki groups grudgingly accept re-entry into the Emerald Covenant to secure greater protection when Anno-Elohim of Sirius A and Arcturus suffer heavy losses to the Fallen Seraphim Drakonian force in Density-3 Orion.+Galactic Federation and most Anunnaki groups grudgingly accept re-entry into the Emerald Covenant to secure greater protection when Annu-Elohim of Sirius A and Arcturus suffer heavy losses to the Fallen Seraphim Drakonian force in Density-3 Orion.
 ===== September 12, 2000 Unit­ed Intruder Resistance Alliance ===== ===== September 12, 2000 Unit­ed Intruder Resistance Alliance =====
-Necromiton-Andromie and Alpha-Omega-Centau­ri races convince many Drakonian and Anunnaki legions to form a "​[[ctd:​Intruders|Unit­ed Resistance Alliance]]"​ (UIR) against the Emerald Covenant to ensure ​ fulfillment of their common interest in the OWO dominion agenda. [[ctd:​Galactic Federation]],​ [[ctd:​AshtarCommand|Ashtar Command]] and most Anunnaki Legions break the Treaty of Altair to join the UIR. UIR adopts the Anunnaki Lu­ciferian Covenant Agenda, which includes "​termination"​ of the [[ctd:​Guardians|Angelic Human races]] of Earth and forced [[ctd:Polar Shift|pole shift]], induced via Battlestar Ni­biru ("​Wormwood"​) and the [[ctd:​Grid|Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid]]. September 12, 2000, UIR offers Emerald Covenant races an ultimatum. UIR would allow the Lyran-Sirian Guardian races to evacuate 50,000 of their "​Indigo Children Maji Grail Lines,"​ then the rest of Earth'​s populations would fall prey to  fulfillment of the Luciferian Covenant agenda. Emerald Cove­rnant Races refuse, on behalf of all [[ctd:​Guardians|Angelic Human]] and Hybrid populations of Earth that desire to live in freedom, and in order to prevent Earth'​s [[ctd:​SAC|Halls of Amenti]] star gates from falling under UIR dominion. UIR issue a formal Edict of War on September 12, 2000, against Emerald Covenant races and the Angelic Humans of Earth.+Necromiton-Andromie and Alpha-Omega-Centau­ri races convince many Drakonian and Anunnaki legions to form a "​[[ctd:​Intruders|Unit­ed Resistance Alliance]]"​ (UIR) against the Emerald Covenant to ensure ​ fulfillment of their common interest in the OWO dominion agenda. [[ctd:​Galactic Federation]],​ [[ctd:​AshtarCommand|Ashtar Command]] and most Anunnaki Legions break the Treaty of Altair to join the UIR. UIR adopts the Anunnaki Lu­ciferian Covenant Agenda, which includes "​termination"​ of the [[ctd:​Guardians|Angelic Human races]] of Earth and forced [[ctd:Pole Shift|pole shift]], induced via Battlestar Ni­biru ("​Wormwood"​) and the [[ctd:​Grid|Nibiruian Diodic Crystal Grid]]. September 12, 2000, UIR offers Emerald Covenant races an ultimatum. UIR would allow the Lyran-Sirian Guardian races to evacuate 50,000 of their "​Indigo Children Maji Grail Lines,"​ then the rest of Earth'​s populations would fall prey to  fulfillment of the Luciferian Covenant agenda. Emerald Cove­rnant Races refuse, on behalf of all [[ctd:​Guardians|Angelic Human]] and Hybrid populations of Earth that desire to live in freedom, and in order to prevent Earth'​s [[ctd:​SAC|Halls of Amenti]] star gates from falling under UIR dominion. UIR issue a formal Edict of War on September 12, 2000, against Emerald Covenant races and the Angelic Humans of Earth.
 {{https://​​2011/​09/​wtc1.jpg?​200}} {{https://​​2011/​09/​wtc1.jpg?​200}}
 +==== Recent History and Current Events At-A-Glance Blow-Up Chart (1748 - 6/26/1998) ====
 +**1748:** Genetic mutation Zeta Seal from Zetas' future Frequency Fence contaminates Earth via Sphere of Amenti \\ 
 +**1902:** Guardians orchestrate astral body realignments on some humans to release Zeta Seal mutation in race.\\ ​
 +**1906:** Guardians destroy asteroid that was heading for Earth'​s orbit, in deep space. Fragments hit Earth \\ 
 +**1918:** WW 1. Zetas begin speculation on Earth studying genetic content.\\ ​
 +**1928:** Zetas begin surveying Earth to assess conditions regarding their future Frequency Fence\\ ​
 +**1930:** Zetas begin early genetic experimentation & hybridization program on Earth during 1930's & 1940'​s.\\ ​
 +**1940:** WW 2. Zetas assist Nazi's then convert to assisting USA, treaties with Allies formed MJ12\\ ​
 +**8/​12/​1943:​** [[fib:​Philadelphia Experiment]]. Zetas instigate USA to rip hole in space-time, Zeta ships begin altering sun. \\ 
 +**1952-1988:​** Earth scientists observe instabilities on sun, unaware of 1943 Zeta cause. Concern of Pole Shift \\ 
 +**8/​17/​1972:​** Solar flare explosions begin. Red Pulse due by 9/ 1973 would destroy Earth life. Guardians intervene.\\ ​
 +**1972:** Guardians [[ctd:​1972_sirian_experiment |11:​11/​12:​12 Frequency Fence]] to protect from Red Pulse & begin genetic repair abductions\\ ​
 +**1973:** Guardians begin infusions of energy on sun to repair solar damage from Zetas 1943 sun manipulations\\ ​
 +**1973-1/​11/​1992:​** Guardians employ Holographic Inserts to maintain illusion of Earth stability while sun realigns\\ ​
 +**1982:** Guardians split and divert course of asteroid due to hit Earth.\\ ​
 +**1982-1984:​** Most Zeta groups enter Guardian treaties & stop take-over plan. 
 +Dracos-Zeta Resistance refuses\\ ​
 +**8/​12/​1983:​** Dracos-Zetas instigate [[fib:​Montauk Project]], create 2nd space-time rip & begin creating clones & infiltrates\\ ​
 +**1984:** Guardians discover 2976 AD Earth destruction as result of Zeta infiltration,​ create Bridge Zone Project ​
 +**10/​1988:​** 1st Seal on Arc of Covenant opens, Sphere of Amenti begins descent; 9540 BC Frequency Fence lifts \\ 
 +**8/​18/​1987:​** Harmonic Convergence. Guardians granted permission to activate Bridge Zone Project intervention\\ ​
 +**1/1988:** Sphere of Amenti returns to Earth. Earth'​s 1st primary Vortex - Arizona USA - opens\\ ​
 +**9/1988:** Guardians finish repair of Solar Fields & begin infusions of D-4 frequency to Earth, to raise core vibration\\ ​
 +**1/​11/​1992:​** Guardians re-enter 11:11 magnetic codes to Earth core, 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence begins release\\ ​
 +**6/1992:** Earth'​s 2nd primary Vortex - Jerusalem, Israel-opens\\ ​
 +**7/​28/​1992:​** Avatar 1 of Six Silent Ascension Avatars is born; 7th level avatar\\ ​
 +**12/​12/​1994:​** 11:11/12:12 Frequency Fence lifted. Ancient Ur-Tarranates leave Amenti to human care.\\ ​ **1995:** Guardians initiate Portal Protection Project to secure Earth'​s Vortices from Intruder infiltration\\ ​
 +**6/1996:** Earth s 3"I primary Vortex - Himalayan Mountains. Asia - opens \\ 
 +**6/​24/​1996:​** Avatar 2 of Six Silent Ascension Avatars is born; 8th level avatar\\ ​
 +**12/​1997:​** Anunnaki Resistance begin manipulating humans from D-4 via Jerusalem & Manhattan vortices\\ ​ **1/1998:** Prospects of 2nd Seal on Arc of the Covenant opening on time bleak, Earth ascension & rescue doubtful\\ ​
 +**2/1998:** Elohim'​s early birth of avatar 3; opens 2nd Seal on Arc of the Covenant. Rescue resumes\\ ​ **6/​26/​1998:​** Avatar 3 of Six Silent Ascension Avatars is born 2 years early; 9th level avatar.\\ 2nd Seal on Arc of the Covenant opens. Fate of human destiny changed. Ascension Program & Bridge Zone Project rescue mission will occur. ​
 출처: [[http://​​esp_libros_5.htm#​biblinazar_voyagers|Ashayana Deane - Voyagers II]] 출처: [[http://​​esp_libros_5.htm#​biblinazar_voyagers|Ashayana Deane - Voyagers II]]
ctd/history/1916ad.1485814607.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/15 22:59 (external edit)